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Help us help others achieve health

No one should die while waiting for a kidney. 
It’s time to increase equity at each step in the transplant process.

The Arike Kidney Foundation is a non for profit organization born out of passion and compassion;

Passion for helping those living with Kidney infections or Kidney transplant survivors and compassion to empathize with the challenges that they go through. Experiencing life after having a Kidney transplant and its attendant challenges has propelled me into creating an avenue to help as many survivors as possible to get succor mentally, physically and financially, to aid their health walk and to mitigate their neglect by the government.

1 in 3 People

are at-risk for kidney disease.

100,000 people

are waiting for a kidney transplant.

37 million people

have chronic kidney disease.

660,000 people

live with kidney failure.

Our Slogan: Help us help others achieve health
Our Vision
To garner all necessary resources, including but not limited to skilled personnel, cutting-edge medical technology, financial support, and up-to-date information, in order to achieve our overarching vision.

Our Mission

To create a community of post-kidney transplant persons with accessible and cost-effective healthcare and access to affordable medication, enabling them to lead normal lives.

Even good people find themselves in difficult situations. Dealing with Kidney infections can be trying and it is, sometimes, not caused by something the patient did like indulging in a bad habit. In my case, there was no unhealthy lifestyle to validate the onset of the Kidney infection, however, the walk could have been easier.

You can volunteer to help the Arike Kidney Foundation in the following ways:


Get the word out there. We can let friends and loved ones know that help is available for those dealing with Kidney infections as well as share the website. Here, you will find lots of relevant information on how to maintain kidney health and guidance for life after being diagnosed with a kidney infection or having a Kidney transplant.


Kidney infections can be draining, both financially and mentally. You can volunteer as an online counselor to help patients deal with the situation as it unfolds.

Financial Support

We aim to provide access to free/cost-effective consultancy, medication, and surgical procedures if need be. To do this, we need all the financial donations that we can get from the government, Individuals, and Philanthropic organizations.

Become a  Member

Join or renew your Arike Kidney Foundation professional membership to get access to journals, free CMEs, and more. A portion of your fee is directed to AKF’s research endowment fund and supports our lifesaving patient programs and services.

Need help? Contact us

News & Articles

Introduction to your Kidneys

The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs located beneath the rib cage, on either side of the spine. The left kidney is slightly superior in position to the right one meaning that it is slightly higher placed. The position of the right kidney makes room for the liver to be wedged above it still beneath the rib cage. The left kidney also weighs more and is
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About your Kidneys

To function properly, the body is made up of different organs; some we are very familiar with but others, not so familiar to us. This is probably due to the fact that we cannot readily observe them even though we know that some organ must be responsible for the functions that we can observe. Until recent times, especially in our country, the kidneys happened to
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