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Get Involved 
Even good people find themselves in difficult situations. Dealing with Kidney infections can be trying and it is, sometimes, not caused by something the patient did like indulging in a bad habit. In my case, there was no unhealthy lifestyle to validate the onset of the Kidney infection, however, the walk could have been easier. You can volunteer to help the Arike Foundation in the following ways:
You can volunteer to help the Arike Kidney Foundation in the following ways:


Get the word out there. We can let friends and loved ones know that help is available for those dealing with Kidney infections as well as share the website. Here, you will find lots of relevant information on how to maintain kidney health and guidance for life after being diagnosed with a kidney infection or having a Kidney transplant.


Kidney infections can be draining, both financially and mentally. You can volunteer as an online counselor to help patients deal with the situation as it unfolds.

Financial support

We aim to provide access to free/cost effective consultancy, medication and surgical procedures if need be. To do this, we need all the financial donations that we can get from the government, Individuals and Philanthropic organizations.